Oriental & Area Rug Cleaning

Just like carpets, Oriental and area rugs act like a filter for dirt, dust, allergens, and bacteria. These rugs often get an abundance of foot traffic need professional cleaning and care. Our expert technicians will perform a thorough evaluation of each individual rug to ensure the most effective and safest care and cleaning. Our gentle, but deep cleaning will focus on any pet messes, spots, stains, and other problem areas. Our professional cleaning service will preserve the colors and fibers, leaving your oriental and area rugs vibrant and fresh.

  • Pre-Inspection: We will determine as much as we possibly can about the type of rug and inherent qualities that may affect cleaning.

  • Dry Soil Removal: We use special equipment for removal of the soil. This is the most important process in cleaning any textile.

  • Pre-Conditioning and Fringe Cleaning: We pre-treat to emulsify the soils. We also pre-treat and clean fringes for maximum soil removal.

  • Rinse or Wash: We rinse with extraction equipment

  • Drying Process: We dry with air-movers and dehumidifiers.